Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arun Bhansali
Hon'ble The Chief Justice
Right to access to justice and right of administration of justice is a constitutional mandate and shall include each and everyone. Thus, tracing the guiding light shown by the Hon'ble Supreme Court Of India, this Hon'ble Court has ventured into making access to justice more inclusive. Hon'ble Court has constituted an Hon'ble committee to address the difficulties faced by specially abled persons be it perambulating around the Court building or accessing the website.
Objective of Hon'ble Accessibility Committee is to pave the way for Greater Accessibility in the Allahabad High Court for persons with Special Abilities, Women & Senior Citizens. Ensuring equal access and inclusivity in the built environment is a fundamental aspect of promoting the rights and well-being of persons with special abilities.
Suggestion from various stakeholders can be communicated vide contact details mentioned below.
Any counsel desirous of extension of accessibility facilities may submit the form below.
Composition of Hon'ble Accessibility Committee

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Vikram D. Chauhan
Hon'ble Chairman
The Hon'ble Committee is being assisted by following Officers/Officials and Counsels
Registrar (J) (CPC) | Sushri Neha Sonker, Advocate |
Sri Ashwini Kumar, System Manager | Smt. Suman Shrutikirti Shukla, Advocate |
Sri Priya Brota Sen Gupta, Section Officer | |
Sri Mayank Bishwari, Review Officer |
Contact details:
Email ID | accessibility@allahabadhighcourt.in |
Sri Priya Brota Sen Gupta, Section Officer | 8004996705 |
Sri Mayank Bishwari, Review Officer | 8004900617 |
(Advocates desirous of submitting the details in offline mode may contact on the details provided above.)